
Investigation of European air transport traffic by utility‐based decision model

    Eniko Legeza Affiliation
    ; Peter Selymes Affiliation
    ; Adam Torok Affiliation


Air transport was traditionally a strictly regulated industry, dominated by national flag carriers and state‐owned airports. The global deregulation and liberalisation of air transport resulted in numerous changes, including the evolution of price competition, emergence of low‐cost airlines, growth in load factor, airport and airspace capacity problems, etc. Later, the internal market eliminated all commercial restrictions for airlines flying within the European Union (EU). Constraints on routes, number of flights, regulated tariff policies, etc. were removed. Since the issue of the third liberalisation package, EU airlines are permitted to provide air services on any route within the EU. As a result, prices have fallen dramatically, especially on the most popular routes. The air transport sector has had the highest rate of development recently. These issues are discussed in the introduction of this paper. The main scope is to investigate air passenger transport within Europe and to present the mathematical formulation of a disaggregate airport choice model created by the authors. A complex utility function‐based model has been developed and verified by the authors. The results of the model are in scope with experience in the real world.

Europos transporto eismo tyrimas, paremtas sprendimų panaudojimo modeliu

Santrauka. Pastaraisiais  metais  pastebimas  itin  intensyvus  transporto  sektoriaus  vystymasis,  pasireiškiantis  mažinamomis  kainomis,  naujų  pigių  avialinijųatsiradimu bei įvairių komercinių apribojimų panaikinimu. Pagrindinis šio darbo tikslas yra ištirti keleivių pervežimą oro transportu Europos Sąjungos ribose  ir  pristatyti  pasirinkto  atskiro  oro  uosto  modelio  matematinę  formuluotę.  Modelis,  paremtas  kompleksinėmis  panaudojimo  funkcijomis,  buvo patobulintas ir patikrintas pačių autorių, o gauti rezultatai atitinka realią patirtį.

Reikšminiai žodžiai: keleivių pervežimas oro transportu, panaudojimas, sprendimų modeliavimas.

First published online: 10 Feb 2011

Keyword : air passenger transport, utility, decision modelling

How to Cite
Legeza, E., Selymes, P., & Torok, A. (2010). Investigation of European air transport traffic by utility‐based decision model. Aviation, 14(3), 90-94.
Published in Issue
Sep 30, 2010
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