
Comparison of two methods to calculate external loads at flight in continuous turbulence

    Bohdan Hevko   Affiliation
    ; Yurij Bondar   Affiliation


The external loads from the continuous turbulence on the elastic high aspect ratio wing of the transport category aircraft are calculated by Dynamics of Turbulence Air (DTA) and Interactive Multidisciplinary Aircraft Design (IMAD) methods. The response to continuous turbulence was determined taking into account the requirements of CS-25.341(b). The model of the aircraft structure is directed by symmetrical spatial beam schematization. Determination of aerodynamic forces and moments was performed using the methods of linear computational aerodynamics: the panel method of Doublet-Lattice and Constant Pressures (DLM/CPM) and the method of circulation. Comparison of the results of load determination showed that, in general, the values of the loads calculated using IMAD are lower than the values calculated using DTA. Therefore, when designing an aircraft, it is advisable to combine these methods: calculate the loads using IMAD, as a more functional method, and then the loads obtained in the critical points of the calculated flight area should be confirmed using the DTA method. Thus, this study determined the difference between the results of the calculation of loads from the continuous turbulence on the elastic wing of the transport category aircraft using DTA and IMAD methods.

Keyword : continuous turbulence, aircraft wing, external loads, spatial-beam schematization, method of circulation, doublet-lattice method, constant pressures method

How to Cite
Hevko, B., & Bondar, Y. (2022). Comparison of two methods to calculate external loads at flight in continuous turbulence. Aviation, 26(3), 160–168.
Published in Issue
Oct 25, 2022
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