Experimental research of partial regular microreliefs formed on rotary body face surfaces
The basic regularities in the influence of processing parameters on the geometrical characteristics of the partially regular microreliefs, formed on the rotary body face surface, are established. Combinations of partially regular microreliefs are formed by using a contemporary CNC milling machine, and an advanced programing method, based on previously developed mathematical models. Full factorial experimental design is carried out, which consist of three factors, varied on three levels. Regression stochastic models in coded and natural form, which give the relations between the width of the grooves and the deforming force, feed rate and the pitch of the axial grooves, are derived as a result. Response surfaces and contour plots are built in order to facilitate the results analysis. Based on the dependencies of the derived regression stochastic models, it is found that the greatest impact on the width of the grooves has the magnitude of the deforming force,followed by the feed rate. Also, it is found that the axial pitch between adjacent toolpaths has the least impact on the width of the grooves. As a result of the full-factorial experiment, the average geometric parameters of the microrelief grooves were obtained on their basis. When used, these values will provide for the required value of the relative burnishing area of the surface with regular microreliefs, and, accordingly, the specified operational properties.
Keyword : aircraft hydraulic systems, ball burnishing, technological parameters, regular microreliefs

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