
Methodical aspects of the LTO cycle use for environmental impact assessment of air operations based on the Warsaw Chopin airport

    Marta Galant-Gołębiewska   Affiliation
    ; Remigiusz Jasiński   Affiliation
    ; Monika Ginter   Affiliation
    ; Marta Maciejewska   Affiliation
    ; Mateusz Nowak   Affiliation
    ; Paula Kurzawska   Affiliation


The aviation engines homologation process takes place in LTO (Landing and Take-Off) test cycle. Mentioned procedure is good for the approval applications because the test conditions are repeatable and obtained results could be compared between different engines. The authors compared in this article the exhaust emission results obtained in LTO test cycle during selected engine homologation with values obtained in estimations. Two Allied Signal TFE731-2-2B engines with a thrust of 15.6 kN were taken into considerations. The engines are used to propel the popular VLJ (Very Light Jet) aircraft: Dassault Falcon 100. Adopted methodology of emission estimation is very similar to the LTO, because the authors use the emission factors obtained in LTO cycle, specified for selected engines. Also, the duration of take-off, climb-out and approach LTO phases were adopted to the estimations. In the analyzed case, 16 scenarios of taxi phase were selected on the basis of the Warsaw Chopin Airport available runways. Duration of taxi phase in these cases vary between 3.1 to 11.0 minutes which is at least 58% less than in LTO test. Assuming the real taxi times change the exhaust emission results comparing to normal LTO cycle up to about 64%. The proposed methodology could be used for assessing environmental impact of air operations, which can be used to create the reports with more accurate data than with typical LTO times.

Keyword : LTO cycle, exhaust gas emission, airport emission, taxiing, air quality, Warsaw airport

How to Cite
Galant-Gołębiewska, M., Jasiński, R., Ginter, M., Maciejewska, M., Nowak, M., & Kurzawska, P. (2021). Methodical aspects of the LTO cycle use for environmental impact assessment of air operations based on the Warsaw Chopin airport. Aviation, 25(2), 86-91.
Published in Issue
Aug 18, 2021
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