
Estimation of evacuation time of passengers in aircraft accidents with fire in airfield areas

    Arthur Suharev   Affiliation
    ; Vladimir Shestakov   Affiliation
    ; Leonid Vinogradov   Affiliation


Statistics show that the majority of aircraft accidents occurs in the vicinity of airfield areas. Yet the main factors leading to fatalities in these accidents are the forces encountered by human occupants in collision with obstacles and the presence of fire. It is possible to single out a group of “technically survivable” accidents from the total number of accidents, in which a crew member or passengers could have survived, if the evacuation took place in a timely manner. The share of such accidents is about 85–90%. However, up to 40% of passengers die in technically survivable accidents. Applicable protection systems are only adequate, if the passengers manage to exit the airplane and get to a safe distance within a limited timeframe. Although these systems have been sufficiently developed; this is one of the most significant problems in modern aviation. This means, that the study of possibilities and the development of the methods and means of passenger evacuation in aircraft accidents, specifically in and around airport areas, are relevant to be addressed.

Keyword : aviation safety, aviation structures, aircraft layout, aircraft modeling, civil aviation, investigations

How to Cite
Suharev, A., Shestakov, V., & Vinogradov, L. (2020). Estimation of evacuation time of passengers in aircraft accidents with fire in airfield areas. Aviation, 24(2), 72-79.
Published in Issue
Jul 8, 2020
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