
Wind tunnel calibration, corrections and experimental validation for fixed-wing micro air vehicles measurements

    Ahmed Aboelezz Affiliation
    ; Yunes Elqudsi Affiliation
    ; Mostafa Hassanalian Affiliation
    ; Ahmed Desoki Affiliation


The increase in the number of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and Micro Air Vehicles (MAVs), which are used in a variety of applications has led to a surge in low Reynolds number aerodynamics research. Flow around fixedwing MAVs has an unusual behavior due to its low aspect ratio and operates at low Reynolds number, which demanded to upgrade the used wind tunnel for this study. This upgrade enables measuring the small aerodynamics forces and moment of fixed-wing MAVs. The wind tunnel used in this work is upgraded with a state of art data acquisition system to deal with the different sensors signals in the wind tunnel. For accurate measurements, the sting balance, angle sensor, and airspeed sensor are calibrated. For validation purposes, an experiment is made on a low aspect ratio flat plate wing at low Reynolds number, and the measured data are corrected and compared with published results. The procedure presented in this paper for the first time gave a detailed and complete guide for upgrading and calibrating old wind tunnel, all the required corrections to correct the measured data was presented, the turbulence level correction new technique presented in this paper could be used to estimate the flow turbulence effect on the measured data and correct the measured data against published data.

First published online 17 February 2020

Keyword : wind tunnel, sting balance, calibration, uncertainty analysis, low aspect ratio, low Reynolds number

How to Cite
Aboelezz, A., Elqudsi, Y., Hassanalian, M., & Desoki, A. (2020). Wind tunnel calibration, corrections and experimental validation for fixed-wing micro air vehicles measurements. Aviation, 23(4), 104-113.
Published in Issue
Feb 17, 2020
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