Computer modelling of density dynamics of single‐species laboratory insects’ population
The large number of recently created mathematical models of single‐species insects’ population density dynamics has confirmed the continuing interest of scientists to this problem. Beginning with Thompson's work [34] there have been suggested some mathematical models both for practical purposes (simulation models), and for revealing some general ecological patterns (qualitative models) [31]. The different approaches that could be applied to mathematical modelling of density dynamics of single‐species laboratory insects’ population by means of nonlinear difference‐differential equations with delay are discussed. The main attention is paid to the mathematical model proposed by Kolesov [15], which takes into account the age structure within insects’ population. A computer implementation of all proposed mathematical models has been fulfilled by using Model Maker simulation system. Various scenarios for simulation of environmental factors impact on the population dynamics are realized. Simulation results are compared with results from well‐known laboratory experiments on the single‐species population.
Laboratorinių vabzdžių populiacijų skaitlingumo dinamikos kompiuterinis modeliavimas
Santrauka. Straipsnyje nagrinėjami izoliuotos vabzdžių populiacijos skaitlingumo dinamikos kompiuterinio modeliavimo klausimai. Šalia klasikinių šios srities darbų apžvalgos pateikiami autorių gauti rezultatai. Siūlomi netiesinių diferencialinių‐skirtuminių lygčių pagrindu sudaryti matematiniai modeliai buvo realizuoti modeliavimo aplinkoje Model Maker. Kompiuterinio modeliavimo rezultatai palyginti su klasikiniais laboratoriniais bandymais.
First Published Online: 14 Oct 2010
Keyword : mathematical modelling, insects’ population, differential equations with delay

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