
Nonisothermal newtonian film blowing


In this paper, we refine Han and Park results for nonisothermal film blowing: we propose a correction in their temperature and force balance equations, and prove that with this change the actual system should be split into three other systems, and use a different scaling supposedly more suitable to find the solution of the equations. Besides all that, we also provide an analysis on how our nonisothermal model could improve modeling of the film blowing process. It is worth mentioning that, even though we have corrected (mathematically) the force balance equation by Han and Park, we only make use of the first version of the split model in our simulations to match the other simulations done with the model so far. Future work will include further refinements on the simulations.

Neizoterminis Niutono filmo juostos pūtimas

Šiame straipsnyje tobulinami Hano ir Parko rezultatai apie neizoterminį filmo juostos pūtimą. Autoriai patikslina temperatūros ir jėgų balanso lygtis ir įrodo, kad tai išskaido lygčių sistema į tris sistemas. Tai įgalina rasti uždavinio sprendinį. Taip pat pateikta analizė kaip šis modelis, gali patobulinti pūtimo procesą. Kadangi naudojamas pataisytas Hano ir Parko modelis, todėl modeliuojant gauti rezultatai ne visuomet sutampa su kitų eksperimentų rezultatais. Ateityje numatoma tobulinti šiuos eksperimentus.

First Published Online: 14 Oct 2010

Keyword : nonisothermal, film, blowing, newtonian, power‐law

How to Cite
Pinheiro, I. M. R. (2005). Nonisothermal newtonian film blowing. Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, 10(3), 305-318.
Published in Issue
Sep 30, 2005
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