
Inverse problems for a generalized subdiffusion equation with final overdetermination

    Nataliia Kinash Affiliation
    ; Jaan Janno Affiliation


We consider two inverse problems for a generalized subdiffusion equation that use the final overdetermination condition. Firstly, we study a problem of reconstruction of a specific space-dependent component in a source term. We prove existence, uniqueness and stability of the solution to this problem. Based on these results, we consider an inverse problem of identification of a space-dependent coefficient of a linear reaction term. We prove the uniqueness and local existence and stability of the solution to this problem.

Keyword : inverse problem, subdiffusion, final overdetermination, fractional diffusion

How to Cite
Kinash, N., & Janno, J. (2019). Inverse problems for a generalized subdiffusion equation with final overdetermination. Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, 24(2), 236-262.
Published in Issue
Mar 18, 2019
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