
Solving class of mixed nonlinear multi-term fractional Volterra-Fredholm integro-differential equations by new development of HAM

    Zainidin Eshkuvatov Affiliation
    ; Zaid Laadjal Affiliation
    ; Shahrina Ismail Affiliation


This work implements the standard Homotopy Analysis Method (HAM) developed by Professor Shijun Liao (1992), and a new development of the HAM (called ND-HAM) improved by Z.K. Eshkuvatov (2022) in solving mixed nonlinear multi-term fractional derivative of different orders of Volterra-Fredholm Integrodifferential equations (FracVF-IDEs). Other than that, the existance and uniqueness of solution as well as the norm convergence with respect to ND-HAM, were proven in a Hilbert space. In addition, three numerical examples (including multi-term fractional IDEs) are presented and compared with the HAM, modified HAM and ”Generalized block pulse operational differentiation matrices method” developed in previous works by illustrating the accuracy as well as validity with respect to ND-HAM. Empirical investigations reveal that ND-HAM and the modified HAM yields the same results when control parameter ℏ is chosen as ℏ = −1 and is comparable to the standard HAM. The findings discovered that the ND-HAM is highly convenient, effective, as well as in line with theoretical results.

Keyword : homotopy analysis method (HAM), new development of HAM (ND-HAM), integro-differential equation (IDEs), Caputo fractional derivative, convergence

How to Cite
Eshkuvatov, Z., Laadjal, Z., & Ismail, S. (2025). Solving class of mixed nonlinear multi-term fractional Volterra-Fredholm integro-differential equations by new development of HAM. Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, 30(1), 52–73.
Published in Issue
Jan 27, 2025
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