
Discrete Gronwall’s inequality for Ulam stability of delay fractional difference equations

    Shu-Yu Yang Affiliation
    ; Guo-Cheng Wu Affiliation


This paper investigates Ulam stability of delay fractional difference equations. First, a useful equality of double fractional sums is employed and discrete Gronwall’s inequality of delay type is provided. A delay discrete-time Mittag-Leffler function is used and its non-negativity condition is given. With the solutions’ existences, Ulam stability condition is presented to discuss the error estimation of exact and approximate solutions.

Keyword : delay fractional difference equations, discrete Gronwall’s inequality, uniqueness of solution, Ulam stability

How to Cite
Yang, S.-Y., & Wu, G.-C. (2025). Discrete Gronwall’s inequality for Ulam stability of delay fractional difference equations. Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, 30(1), 169–185.
Published in Issue
Jan 27, 2025
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