
A Vieta–Lucas collocation and non-standard finite difference technique for solving space-time fractional-order Fisher equation

    Mohd Kashif Affiliation


The purpose of the article is to analyze an accurate numerical technique to solve a space-time fractional-order Fisher equation in the Caputo sense. For this purpose, the spectral collocation technique is used, which is based on the Vieta–Lucas approximation. By using the properties of Vieta–Lucas polynomials, this technique reduces the nonlinear equations into a system of ordinary differential equations (ODEs). The non-standard finite difference (NSFD) method converts this system of ODEs into algebraic equations which have been solved numerically. Moreover, the error estimate is investigated for the proposed method. To show the accuracy and efficiency of the technique, the obtained numerical results are compared with the analytical results and existing results of the particular forms of the considered fractional order models through error analysis. The important feature of this article is the exhibition of variations of the field variable for various values of spatial and temporal fractional order parameters for different particular cases.

Keyword : spectral collocation method, space-time fractional Fisher equation, Vieta–Lucas polynomials, NSFD method

How to Cite
Kashif, M. (2025). A Vieta–Lucas collocation and non-standard finite difference technique for solving space-time fractional-order Fisher equation. Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, 30(1), 1–16.
Published in Issue
Jan 27, 2025
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