Journal Policies / Fees and charges

The journal is owned by Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (VILNIUS TECH ) who support the journal and the publishing operation of VILNIUS TECH. However, the majority of the cost of publication is funded by Article Publication Charges (APCs) paid by authors or their institutes. These are levied for the International Journal of Strategic Property Management journal and cover the costs of publication to allow for articles to be made freely available Open Access to all readers, anywhere in the world. 

The fixed standard Article processing charge of 605 Eur, including 21% VAT tax is applicable for all manuscripts submitted after 1st of January 2024. This charge includes all costs of the peer-review process, systems, typesetting, web publication and long-term archiving.

Special note regarding Sales Tax and VAT for authors

Article processing charges (APCs) are subject to VAT at the standard Lithuanian VAT rate of 21%.

According to the laws of Lithuania, the tax must be included for payers who are natural persons and only institutions can have it excluded (for European Union countries only). For institutions paying the APCs, they can be transferred directly to VILNIUS TECH, excluding the VAT from the sum.

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