Geodesy and Cartography 2025-03-21T18:31:10+02:00 Prof. Dr Eimuntas Paršeliūnas Open Journal Systems <p>Geodesy and Cartography publishes original research in the fields of geodesy, cartography, remote sensing, geoinformation systems, geoscience, land management and environmental sciences.&nbsp;<a href="">More information ...</a></p> Evaluation of the low-cost depth cameras for non-destructive testing 2025-01-17T18:30:05+02:00 Noura Y. Alghanim Tarig Ali Ahmed Elaksher Mohammad Alhamaydeh <p>The primary aim of this paper is to assess the effectiveness of a low-cost stereo (depth) camera as a non-destructive tool for the detection and measurement of cracks in concrete surfaces. The experiment was carried out on four concrete beams with cracks, created with different concrete mixes. The mixes of the four beams were made up of lightweight aggregates with 12% of normal weight aggregates. One beam was used as a reference without fibers, while 3D steel fiber reinforcement, 5D steel fibers reinforcement, and a hybrid fibers mix of 5D steel fiber and synthetic were used for the other three beams. The cracks in the beams were measured manually followed by taking their stereo images with a ZED camera. The ZED images were processed to produce 3D models of the concrete surfaces, which are useful for crack measurement in a three-dimensional framework. The project results are particularly significant in the measurement of all three dimensions (length, width and depth), with less than a 10% error between the actual and the experimental procedure. Relatively, multiple differential approaches gave a less accurate result of a 15% error mainly due to syntax errors. Results suggest that the ZED depth camera is an effective tool for robust detection and measurement of cracks in concrete surfaces.</p> 2025-01-17T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2025 The Author(s). Published by Vilnius Gediminas Technical University. Accuracy assessment of a three-dimensional model obtained using the LiDAR sensor of the iPhone 13 Pro Max 2025-03-19T18:31:08+02:00 Oleksandr Yanchuk Roman Shulgan Serhii Trokhymets Nazarii Sheremet <p>Scanning of an educational classroom was performed using the LiDAR sensor of the iPhone 13 Pro Max. Comparison was conducted between the lengths of lines and coordinates determined from the model scanned by the LiDAR sensor with precise data measured using the Leica TCR 405 ultra electronic total station and determined from the model created photogrammetrically from images captured with the Sony Cyber-shot DSC-RX100 camera. The Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) of distance and spatial positioning was calculated for the LiDAR-scanned model.</p> 2025-03-19T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2025 The Author(s). Published by Vilnius Gediminas Technical University. Conceptual modeling of the structure of a geoinformation system for formation of land plots in state and municipal ownership of settlements 2025-03-21T18:31:10+02:00 Tetiana Bukhalska Oleksandr Yanchuk Viktor Moshynskyi Anatolii Lishchynskyi <p>The article deals with the issues of automation of land cadastral information processing based on the modern international standards for management and processing of geospatial information. Object-relational databases together with the GIS provide powerful opportunities for collection, systematization, processing, analysis of various data, as well as storage and visualization of spatial information. According to the results of the analysis of the current legislative provision and processing of the existing data based on the international standards of the ISO 19110 series, the research developed a conceptual scheme of the geospatial database for the formation of state and municipal land plots within settlements. The research provides a model for checking the topology of the geospatial database of the system of automated formation of state and municipal land plots within settlements according to the structure and requirements of the international standard “ISO 19107:2019 Geographic information. Spatial schema”. The developed conceptual model and topology verification model are the basis for physical data modeling and allow ensuring the principle of interoperability in the Spatial Data Infrastructure.</p> 2025-03-21T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2025 The Author(s). Published by Vilnius Gediminas Technical University.