
High-resolution residual terrain model and terrain corrections for gravity field modelling and geoid computation in Niger Republic

    Salissou Ibrahim Yahaya   Affiliation
    ; Driss El Azzab Affiliation


In this study, we computed and presented grid maps of high-resolution terrain corrections and residual terrain model (RTM) as short-wavelengths of the gravity field and the geoid in Niger. We constructed RTM elevations from mean elevation surfaces corresponding to ~100 km and ~9 km of  spatial scales and 3 arc-seconds SRTM data. The computations are performed at gravity stations and 1.5 arc-minute regular grid, out to 10 and 200 km for inner and outer zones respectively with the standard density of 2670 kg/m-3. The study area is characterized by low values of terrain effects. The indirect effects are lower than 10 cm for ~9 km and reach 1.8 m for ~100 km. In Niger, 98.44% of indirect effects are lower than 1 cm and 98.2% of direct effect are lower than 5 mgal for ~9 km. For ~100 km, 85.87% of indirect effects are lower than 10 cm and 89.77% of direct effects are lower than 5 mgal for ~100 km, and 98.77% of terrain corrections are lower than 1 mgal. We found out that height discrepancies between gravity stations and SRTM influences the precision of terrain effects. The results are value for applications in geodesy and geophysics that require accurate interpretations.

Keyword : gravity field, geoid, short-wavelengths, Residual Terrain Model, terrain corrections, SRTM, Niger

How to Cite
Ibrahim Yahaya, S., & El Azzab, D. (2018). High-resolution residual terrain model and terrain corrections for gravity field modelling and geoid computation in Niger Republic. Geodesy and Cartography, 44(3), 89-99.
Published in Issue
Oct 15, 2018
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