
Algorithm for calculating the normative area of an industrial enterprise land plot

    Mykola Malashevskyi   Affiliation
    ; Natalia Kuzin   Affiliation
    ; Elena Bugaenko   Affiliation
    ; Alena Palamar   Affiliation
    ; Maria Malanchuk   Affiliation


In the article, the problem of finding justified approaches aimed at achieving sustainable development of urban land use is presented. In Ukraine, as in many post-Soviet countries of Eastern Europe, the transition to market relations has led to a change in production technologies, a reduction in the capacity or the termination of the functioning of industrial enterprises within settlements, but the parameters of land use remained unchanged. However, today, most of the especially large cities face the problem of lack of available land for its normal development. There are trends in the reduction of green zones and building compaction, etc.

Based on the results of the established sizes of normative land plots, tax regulation of land use it is proposed to levy a tax in a fivefold amount for a portion of the land plots granted to enterprises, institutions and organizations (except agricultural land) exceeding the standards of land allotment. In the case of the excess of establishing territory for enterprises, institutions and organizations and refusal to pay increased tax, it is possible to optimize the land use by means of an equivalent exchange.

Based on the results of the conducted studies it was established that when determining the area of a land plot for an industrial enterprise, the main technical characteristic is its capacity. Modelling is carried out on the basis of data on typical sizes of land plots and enterprise capacities. It is established that a linear regression reliably approximates the dependence of the area on the capacity of the enterprise according to calculations. A detailed analysis shows that for low-capacity enterprises their area will be more reliably determined by non- linear dependence.

Keyword : modeling, linear approximation, least squares method, correlation dependence, regression equation, mean square error

How to Cite
Malashevskyi, M., Kuzin, N., Bugaenko, E., Palamar, A., & Malanchuk, M. (2018). Algorithm for calculating the normative area of an industrial enterprise land plot. Geodesy and Cartography, 44(2), 63-70.
Published in Issue
Aug 8, 2018
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